The Paint Defects That Have Persisted On Your Ride Can Be Eliminated

Portland, OR’s #1 Paint Correction Packages and Professional Team

Paint Correction Packages at Portland Pro Detail

Level 1 Paint Correction Package




  • Prep wash
  • Paint decontamination
  • 1 step (or stage) polishing
  • Includes paint sealant
  • We aim for 50%+ defect removal 
  • Includes Basic Interior Detail

Level 2 Paint Correction Package



This paint correction package is a multi-step compound and polish to remove heavy paint damage and

defects. Through this process, we will add great clarity and gloss to your finish.


  • Everything from our Level 1 Paint Correction Package 
  • 2 step (or stage) compound and polish
  • Minor spot sanding
  • We aim for 75%+ defect removal 

Level 3 Paint Correction Package




  • Everything from our Level 2 Paint Correction Package 
  • 3 step (or stage) sanding, compounding, and polishing
  • 3,000 grit wet sanding
  • We aim for 90%+ defect removal 

Professionally Trained Vehicle Paint Correction Specialists

Scratches, etching, and marring will happen no matter how meticulous you are. Do not have an avoidance relationship with your automobile; it was built to be driven. Enjoy the ride while knowing that anything leaving behind a surface defect will be taken care of with the help of the professional paint correction crew here at Portland Pro Detail!

Acting like a pit crew ready to buff and polish a variety of surface discrepancies, our Portland, Oregon detailing shop features three expert automotive paint correction packages for cars, crossovers, trucks, and SUVs. Each automobile gets a thorough prep wash and complete surface inspection to guarantee that what afflicts its finish will be removed with the utmost attention to detail.

Paint defects and damage to your clear coat can be truly disheartening and worrisome, especially those who are on tight budgets. If your ride is starting to show signs of extensive wear and tear in its paintwork, contact our professionally licensed and certified paint correction team at Portland Pro Detail to get an idea of what can help. We promise it will be worth it!


A Step-By-Step Look At Pro Paint Correction

A black and white icon of a bottle of alcohol on a white background.

Exterior Prep Wash and Paint Decontamination

Vehicle paint cannot be accurately remedied without first clearing it free of the buildup of old contamination. This is what our wash prep entails, along with a clay-bar decontamination process - We remove every ounce of loose contamination down to the molecule to reveal a solid picture of what needs our attention.

A black and white silhouette of a person standing on a white background.

Inspecting All Defective Areas

Right here in our Portland, Oregon detailing shop, our paint correction professionals take a bright LED detailer’s light to your finish to see it up close and personal. Traditional and natural lighting will not show defects like our equipment, which then gives us the chance to take notes on what areas need the most attention.

A black and white icon of a shield with the sun inside of it.

Defect Removal With Cutting

Vehicle paint correction requires abrasion, as these minor surface defects in your clear coat are really just small divots caused by road hazards and debris that have made an impact. Cutting with compound and abrasion pads will essentially lower the areas around the defect, getting your vehicle’s clear coat to be completely level once again.

A black and white drawing of a car and a bicycle on a white background.

Buffing, Polishing, and Protecting Afterwards

As we complete the cutting process, there will be a flat look to your finish, which must then be improved by buffing and polishing. This stage can also eliminate any other minuscule surface defects that perhaps cutting with compound only took down so far. Once your ride has been completely restored, all customers get a short-term sealant that can be upgraded to a Ceramic Coating package instead.

Questions Pertaining To Our Restorative Paint Correction Packages at Portland Pro Detail

  • Do all of your paint correction packages restore any amount of surface defects?

    Here at Portland Pro Detail, we have three separate paint correction packages, all of which address different levels of surface defects. Our more entry-level paint correction package is designed for new or well taken care of automobiles, while our higher level paint correction packages undo tremendous surface degradation from years of neglect.

  • What is the worst defect that paint correction can fix?

    Our automotive paint correction packages remove swirl marks that are left behind by abrasive washing techniques, and medium to deep scratches that HAVE NOT broken through the paint into the primer. Paint correction cannot remedy peeling clear coat or scratches that have gone through the paint and into the primer or metal.

  • Do I have to pay extra for having my exterior detailed prior to the paint correction process?

    You do not! Each one of our paint correction packages include a prep wash and paint decontamination which will remove all the loose contamination on your finish that either caused surface defects or is currently hiding them. An additional bonus at Portland Pro Detail is that we include a basic interior detail with  in our paint correction packages.

  • What are the main stages of automotive paint correction at Portland Pro Detail?

    The main stages of our paint correction packages at Portland Pro Detail are cutting with compound, which takes away the defects by leveling off your clear coat. Following that, buffing and polishing are a must to restore gloss following the abrasion necessary to take away scratches, and swirls. Higher level packages include sanding, which can remove deeper scratches prior to compounding and polishing.

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